Congratulations! You retained Republican majorities in the House and the Senate, and you will soon be able to work with a Republican (sort of) President. You will be able to do whatever you want. I have just one request – please take good care of our country and of our planet. That means:
- Take care of our people. Far too many Americans have been left behind in our so-called economic recovery. Far too many have had their civil rights infringed. Far too many are unable to receive the health care that they need. Our veterans return home after serving in hostile environments, and far too many are ignored. Hopefully, you can rid yourselves of the dysfunction that has plagued you for too many years and will provide these people with the assistance they desperately need.
- Protect our liberties. These form the foundation upon which our country is based. If, for example, our freedom of expression or our freedom to practice any religion is restricted, we as a nation lose our distinct identity. Fundamentally, this cannot be allowed to happen. (And please don’t inject your own religious beliefs into governance. We have a wonderfully diverse population, and no one should be subjected to any law that is based on a legislator’s personal religious belief);
- Confirm the nominations of only those prospective Supreme Court justices who will abide by the Constitution and the rule of law, and reject those whose application of these principles has been dubious or extreme; and
- Protect the environment. This does not require elaboration, but nevertheless, I feel compelled to remind some of you that global warming is real — so is science.
That’s it. Short and sweet.
Ignore this request at your peril. Remember, many of you are up for re-election soon, and campaigning will begin again before you know it. Those of you who are Republicans cannot find solace in the fact that Secretary Clinton won a majority of the popular vote. The Democrats among you are going to have to find a way to work with the new administration or face the perception that you are attempting to perpetuate our government’s paralysis. Please work together for the collective good.
Good luck! Most importantly, remember that the futures of our nation and of our children and grand-children are at stake. No pressure.